
Within SERM Academy, SPRINT researchers are coordinating the iTRIAGE approach (engineering of integrated patrol techniques for the management of emergencies, in Italian: "Ingegnerizzazione di Tecniche Ricognitive Integrate Applicate alla Gestione dell’Emergenza"). iTriage aim is the creation of IT and organizational instruments to support collection, transmission, processing, and

Advancements from a posteriori studies on the damage to buildings caused by the 1976 Friuli earthquake (north-eastern Italy)

Journal: Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Authors: Grimaz S., Malisan P.

Short-term countermeasures for securing cultural heritage buildings during a seismic emergency: Improvements after the 1976 Friuli earthquake

Journal: Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Authors: Grimaz S., Malisan P., Zorzini F.

1st Meeting of UNESCO-VISUS Experts

From 11 to 13 September 2018 a group of international experts met in Udine to analyze and validate the VISUS methodology developed by the researchers of the SPRINT-Lab. The meeting groups experts with different technical skills, is in Udine for analysing in detail, reviewing and validating the VISUS methodology and
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