
4 Contents

Seismology applied to engineering

Master's degree course in "Environment and Territorial Engineering" (DM 270/04). Educational objectives : to learn about the origin e physics of earthquakes, the fundamentals of generation and propagation of seismic waves, seismometry and characterization of earthquakes; to understand the meaning and the measuring of ground motion, the seismicity space-time distribution,


The ARMONIA project aims to tighten collaboration between the civil protection institutions for risk prevention. Through the use of innovative methodologies, it develops a trans-frontier strategy in the management of natural disasters. The development of common protocols allows joint planning and implementation of harmonize actions to accelerate and facilitate the

Seismic reclassification of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

The proposed reclassification seismic territory of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia is aimed at identifying, training and updating of seismic zones of the region as required by the Ordinance 3274/03. The seismic reclassification proposal has been developed jointly by the University of Udine, Trieste and OGS already achievers of
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