Quick Triage methodology tested at SERM Academy as part of the FireSpill project

We are pleased to share the positive outcome of the SERMex FireSpill exercise held on May 24 and 25, 2023 at the SERM Academy in Portis Vecchio. During these two intense and learning-rich days, the Firefighters of Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige joined forces to test the Quick Triage methodology

Rapid check of presumed seismic structural behaviour of buildings using ambient vibration measurements

Journal: Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Authors: S. Grimaz, P. Malisan and A. Pividori

Seismology applied to engineering

Master's degree course in "Environment and Territorial Engineering" (DM 270/04). Educational objectives : to learn about the origin e physics of earthquakes, the fundamentals of generation and propagation of seismic waves, seismometry and characterization of earthquakes; to understand the meaning and the measuring of ground motion,

Safety and civil protection

Master's degree course in “Environmental and Territorial Engineering" (DM 270/04). Educational objectives: to provide conceptual and methodological references for the analysis, evaluation and management of safety from an intersectoral perspective; to acquire applicative knowledge on methods and techniques to identify prevention and protection strategies and to

Safety Management and Resilience

Master's degree course in “Law for Companies and Public Administration's Innovation”. Educational objectives : the course aims at providing cognitive and methodological tools for the safety management in the organizations, both in ordinary and emergency conditions, considering the internal and external context (including organizational, technological and natural

SERM-ex 2022 Exercise

As part of the activities of the SERM Academy (Safety and Emergency Response Management international training school), on December 1st, 2022, the SERM-ex 2022 exercise was held to test the methodology for weather-hydrological triage developed ad-hoc as part of the SERM Academy's activities, and which is implemented through
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