RADAR methodology
The SPRINT-Lab researchers have developed the RADAR-HF Methodology ('Recon Analysis for Detecting the Actual situation and the improvement Requests for Hospital Facilities') to provide essential information for the planning of modernization interventions through a survey of the chosen indicators, allowing to have an overview of the situation of
Conference - Round table "45 years after the Friuli earthquake: towards post-Covid-19 reconstruction"
45 years after the Friuli earthquake, on Wednesday 15 September from 16.00 to
18.00, the "45 years after the Friuli: towards post-Covid-19 reconstruction"
conference - round table will take place in room T4, Auditorium Pasolini,
Palazzo di Toppo Wassermann (in via Gemona 92, Udine, Italy).
SERM Academy
The SERM Academy is an international training school concerning the seismic response management. SERM Academy aims at strengthening an integrated system for the seismic emergency management and at improving the cross-border interoperability among civil protection actors.
On May, 7, 2016 the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Regional Civil Protection, the
Technical Triage handbook
"Evaluate and classify rapidly, to effectively manage a plurality of critical
This is the operational need that inspired the SPRINT-Lab researchers of the
University of Udine in identifying and formulating a solution to the problem, by
borrowing the concept of triage from the medical sector and applying
VISUS projects
In this page you can find the projects in which the VISUS methodology was applied (including also the projects developed by SPRINT-Lab before the establishment of the UNESCO Chair).
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