Articoli scientifici

14 Contenuti

Rapid check of presumed seismic structural behaviour of buildings using ambient vibration measurements

Journal: Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography, Authors: S. Grimaz, P. Malisan and A. Pividori

Sharing the post-earthquake situation for emergency response management in transborder areas: The e-Atlas tool

Journal: Journal of Safety Science and Resilience, Authors: Stefano Grimaz, Petra Malisan, Andrea Pividori

Situational assessment of hospital facilities for modernization purposes and resilience improvement

Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Authors: Grimaz S., Ruzzene E., Zorzini F.

Paleoseismological evidence for historical ruptures along the Meduno Thrust (eastern Southern Alps, NE Italy)

Journal: Tectonophysics Authors: Poli M.E., Falcucci E., Gori S., Monegato G., Zanferrari A., Affatato A., Baradello L., Böhm G., Bo I.D., Del Pin E., Forte E., Grimaz S.

Impulsive Signals Produced by Earthquakes in Italy and TheirPotential Relation with Site Effects and Structural Damage

Journal: Geosciences, Authors: Ertuncay D., Malisan P., Costa G., Grimaz S.

Implementation of seismic assessment of schools in El Salvador

Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Authors: Figueroa E., Malisan P., Grimaz S.

Multi-hazard visual inspection for defining safety upgrading strategies of learning facilities at territorial level: VISUS methodology

Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Authors: Grimaz S., Malisan P.
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